
UniWar is, hands down, my favorite mobile game of all time. It’s super easy to learn to play, but playing well is an ongoing pursuit.

In the image above, I’m playing Sapiens (people) and my 2v2 teammate is playing Titans (space robots), two of the three available races in UniWar. Khraliens (space bugs) are the third available race.

In this battle, our opponents are playing the same S & T, so it started out on very even footing. From the screen grab, you can see it didn’t stay that way. The other sap player is down to a destroyer, and the other titan is on the way out too. It’s the start of my turn, so all of my units are highlighted in green to indicate they haven’t moved yet.

With every race having their own strengths, weaknesses and play style, plus terrain penalties and bonuses, gang up bonuses, units getting stronger through veterancy and so many different play personalities of individual players, the game never gets old.

UniWar is free to play, but there are some in game purchase opportunities that can definitely help, but you can earn in game currency just by playing. That said, nothing is expensive and the devs deserve to get paid, so splash out a little.

In any case, I’ll be adding more about UniWar in the future. For now, go download UniWar. You’ll be glad you did.

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